This is a heads-up for an upcoming change in the V5.25 release (March 2025) which may require some work on your part.
In the V5.25 release, the deprecated URLs for the Open Interface and the CAMX Message Broker will be removed. Affected URLs are:
·Open Interface: /cgsrpc/RPCServices
·CAMX Message Broker: /cgscamx/CAMX
When V5.25 is deployed on your servers, the Cogiscan modules will be automatically upgraded to use the new URLs. An action is required only if you (or someone on your behalf) has implemented a custom software integration using the old URLs.
The official URLs are already available on your Cogiscan server:
· Open Interface: /cgsrpc/RPCServices-WS (WSDL: /cgsrpc/RPCServices-WS?wsdl)
· CAMX Message Broker: /cgscamx/CAMX-WS (WSDL: /cgscamx/CAMX-WS?wsdl)
If the software integration was done less than 8 years ago, there's a good chance the official URLs were used. Please check carefully the URLs to determine if your software must be updated. To use the new URLs, it is required to generate a new SOAP client using the new WSDL.
If you have questions or require assistance, contact Cogiscan’s support team.
For the latest information on how to access the Open Interface and CAMX Message Broker, please visit the Customer Service Desk:
- Accessing the Cogiscan Open Interface - Accessing Cogiscan's CAMX Message Broker