I-Connect007 Ebook - The Printed Circuit Assembler's Guide to Factory Analytics
October 2023
We’re proud to announce Cogiscan’s official October 2023 software release. Sent bi-annually, our releases include the latest revisions and improvements to our software product suite.
Software Release
This latest improvement includes innovative enhancements to improve the flexibility, reliability, and ease-of-use of our entire platform.
Explore what we're most excited about:
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Highlights in this release

Open Interface

We now officially support REST APIs, enabling users to seamlessly exchange and control production data intelligence across multiple manufacturing systems (Cogiscan TTC, MES, ERP, etc.). Previously enabled by SOAP technology, the Cogiscan Open Interface now relies on Rest API principles to exchange data safely and easily across all systems used in a manufacturing setting.

The functionality of the Open Interface remains the same – users will still be able to gather information and perform multiple operations on both materials and products. We’ve simply updated the underlying architecture to communicate and exchange production data.

Factory Intelligence

FI Watch Alerts: Factory Intelligence now supports automatic alerts for specific user defined anomalies. At the machine or line level, users can now set thresholds (greater than or less than) to trigger notifications when data is outside these requirements.
TTC Platform
Cogiscan Operator Interface
The defect visualization tool within the Cogiscan Operator Interface has improved user functionality including:
The ability to explode the details about an identified defective component by clicking on the image directly.
The ability to move the “defect information box” anywhere inside the interface.
As part of our commitment to providing the latest shop-floor connectivity solutions for electronics manufacturers, our connectivity capabilities continue to expand.
Data Enrichment
New Adapter
We’ve enriched the Co-NECT adapter for machines using Fuji HSI interface.
We've released a new adapter for machines configured with Yamaha YsUP.
We want your opinion

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