Smart Factory - Electronics Manufacturing

The Future of Electronics Manufacturing is All About Software Solutions

December 16, 2021

"I aim to have a front seat to the next evolution of electronics manufacturing."

Michael Ho - I’ve been selling capital equipment in the electronics manufacturing industry for the past 25 years. Earlier this year, I started working for Cogiscan and pivoted to selling software instead. It was time for a change. See, my many years in this industry have provided me with a keen sense of where trends are headed, and I believe the future of electronics manufacturing is in the power of factory digitalization through smart software solutions.

What’s in store for 2022 - Michael’s Predictions

EMS will have to do more with less

Put simply, electronics manufacturers are going to have to do more with less. All of my customers are dealing with supply chain vulnerabilities, material and people shortages with little relief in sight, so they will need to get creative to maximize every single element of the manufacturing process. This is where having the right software solutions is key: through enhanced visibility and automated control manufacturers can have more sustainable production processes. Key metrics will likely continue to evolve, perhaps the lowest cost of production will no longer be the most important metric to fulfil.

All manufacturers will need to have a digitalization strategy

Digitalization, digitalization, digitalization! No matter the type of manufacturer – from small enterprises to major corporations – everyone will engage in some type of digitalization strategy. Previously, we may have only seen companies focused in quality stringent industries, such as automotive or aerospace, investing in digitalization. Now, no matter the segment, if you want to stay competitive, you must embrace the digital factory revolution.

There is no one size fits all in electronics manufacturing

The factory data journey will continue to look different for every customer. There is no one size fits all for digitalization in electronics manufacturing. Each company brings their unique requirements and goals. Every project will look different in scope based on the budget, scope, baseline, and even the culture of the specific manufacturer. It will be critical for suppliers to remain agile and open to each customer’s specific digitalization needs.

Cogiscan’s software at the center of the digitalization revolution

Cogiscan is uniquely positioned to help customers in 2022 eager to develop, expand, or even start their digital transformation journey. With a larger global footprint planned for 2022, our customers will have enhanced access to our services and expertise no matter where they are located. It’s our mission to meet our customers where they are no matter where they are on the factory data journey.

We’re empathetic to the growing pains associated with this type of transformative journey as we recently embarked on our own internal digital transformation by updating and streamlining our remote installation services, back-end infrastructure, and online documentation. For us, it’s a lot more than simply installing a new software tool.
As one of the pioneers of smart factory software solutions in electronics manufacturing, Cogiscan has provided modular and scalable solutions to a wide range of customer types for over 20 years. Intentionally structured to be adaptable and scalable to the customer’s specific requirements, we are there to help our customers actualize their factory digitalization goals. Our continued focus on collaboration with leading SMT vendors, as well as our synergies with our parent company, iTAC Software AG, we’re more than ready for what 2022 holds in store.

I am eager to see where the next evolution of digitalization takes the electronics manufacturing industry in 2022. I have a feeling it will be a very thrilling year.
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