We understand the smart factory looks different for every customer, so we work with you to identify what makes the most sense for your operation. Together, we’ll set achievable goals and implement solutions that allow you to experience and measure results quickly.
Laying A Stable Foundation:
Connectivity is the foundation to any factory digitalization initiative – without proper data collection, there is no smart factory.
Our connectivity solutions include both software and hardware products to help you accurately connect all your machines and SW systems in your factory, regardless of brand, model or protocol requirements. Including the Co-NECT platform, Cogiscan’s connectivity offerings are a simple way to start building your connectivity strategy.
After establishing a connectivity solution, the next logical step is to make sense of all your collected shop floor data. Our Data Management solution aggregates, normalizes, and centralizes collected data. Most importantly, our solution contextualizes the data – providing domain appropriate enrichment to effectively use it. Our open architecture allows you to easily share data with the applications and systems that require it.
Gain even deeper insight into everything happening on the production floor by combining all manufacturing data into one AI-based platform – taking you from descriptive to prescriptive analytics. This integrated machine learning technology helps to eliminate problems before they happen, meaning the IIoT.Edge has the potential to revolutionize your production operation.
Out-of-the-box real-time and historical dashboards for visualization of quality, availability, and performance metrics, with drill downs for detailed root cause analysis.